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Centre for Digital Built Britain completed its five-year mission and closed its doors at the end of September 2022

This website remains as a legacy of the achievements of our five-year foundational journey towards a digital built Britain

The Cambridge Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) invites proposals to draft reports which describe the capabilities the UK will need to create, exploit and enjoy digital built Britain over the next several decades, the research agenda needed to deliver these capabilities and the landscape of research competence available today to act as a starting point.

Rather than try to cover the whole landscape in one tender, nine Tenders are being offered in parallel and bidders are invited to bid for any or all of the Tenders.

Tender documents

Tender 1: Stakeholders, Purpose-setting and decision-making. 
Tender 2: Governance, social constructs and frameworks.
Tender 3: Context, external  influences, drivers and disruptors. 
Tender 4: Complex integrated systems.
Tender 5: Making the digitally enabled services and supply chain work. 
Tender 6: Data and information. 
Tender 7: The creation and through-life management of built assets and infrastructure. 
Tender 8: Integration and optimisation of services embedded in the built environment. 
Tender 9: Learning, adaptation and change. 

Each Tender will be competed separately. CDBB will integrate the results from these Tenders and from the work of the current Research Network to create a single report during the first quarter of 2019.  During that time, CDBB will invite comment and contribution as appropriate on emerging drafts either by email or by participation at workshops and seminars. 

Key Dates

Call for proposals

30 July 2018

Closing date for expressions of interest (so we can choose reviewers)

20 August 2018

Closing date for receipt of proposals

23:59 9 Sept 2018

Target date to inform successful bidders

24 September 2018

Interim report (focusing on landscape with initial proposals for agenda)

12 November 2018

Final Report

20 December 2018

Workshops to discuss final outcomes

1st Quarter 2019 


Resources for bidders