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Centre for Digital Built Britain completed its five-year mission and closed its doors at the end of September 2022

This website remains as a legacy of the achievements of our five-year foundational journey towards a digital built Britain

The Government Soft Landings report provides guidance for the public sector in applying BS8536 parts 1 and 2 and reflects the changes introduced by the publication of the international standard suite ISO19650. The report published by the UK BIM Framework – the overarching approach to implementing BIM in the UK, brought to you by UK BIM Alliance, BSI and CDBB.

Effective collaboration from the very outset of a project, and considering the end-user and the ongoing operation of the facility is vital to a successful built asset. Government Soft Landings (GSL) provides an activity overview and a mechanism to facilitate collaboration and ensure that the objectives throughout the design and build phase maintain alignment with the objectives for the building in operation. GSL is intended to help provide hospitals that promote improved healthcare provision, schools that improve teaching outcomes and offices that use less energy and are more effective workplaces. GSL is intended to support the public sector but will also provide benefit for the private sector in enabling a smooth transition from construction to operation. 

Co-Editor of the revised Guidance Part 2, Sarah Davidson from the UK BIM Alliance said: 
‘It has always been the intention that the Guidance documents would evolve. The first edition of Part 2: Process Guidance was intended to help industry navigate through the detail of the processes specified in the standard. This second edition introduces more detailed guidance and is the result of feedback to the initial document and continued collaboration with the community to provide the right information in the right format to enable adoption of the ISO 19650 standard.’ 

GSL Navigators

The Energy and Carbon Reporting Framework

Supporting OpEC Workbook

NHSS GSL Process Map

webpage - March 2020

Government Soft Landings Local Authority Navigator - pdf

Press Release - May 2021

Digital Twin Navigator - pdf

Blog - May 2021

NHSScotland Digital Twin Navigator

Digitising Scotland's Healthcare Estate - Press Release - December 2021

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