Submitted by Debra Royal on Thu, 01/08/2019 - 10:10
With the release of the UK’s Guidance Part 2: Processes for Project Delivery, supporting BS EN ISO 19650 Parts 1 and 2, Dr Anne Kemp OBE urges industry engagement and feedback.
This week the UK BIM Alliance, Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) and British Standards Institute (BSI) is launching the first edition of the UK’s Guidance Framework Part 2: Processes for Project Delivery, supporting BS EN ISO 19650 Parts 1 and 2. It has been written to help individuals and organisations in the UK to understand the details of building information modelling (BIM) according to ISO 19650, and the format is interactive enabling navigation and overview. It complements the Guidance Framework Part 1: Concepts that was first published in April 2019.
This first release of Part 2 provides guidance for the different parties mentioned throughout ISO 19650 series – the appointing party, the lead appointed party and the appointed party. These provide navigation routes through the guidance that will be developed in more detail in future releases, as clause-specific guidance is added.
There is no question that this Part 2 Guidance will evolve. This first edition is something of a test to see how to help navigate through the detail of the processes specified in the standard. It’s invaluable having the authors of the ISO 19650 series involved – but even more so having end users testing and challenging how this is presented and explained.
We are keen to get your feedback. This is an open process, and you really are encouraged to get involved – it is open to all.
Please don’t be concerned if you think the Guidance doesn’t yet go far enough. We are already hard at work on the next release, which will include coverage across all clauses in ISO 19650 and will also focus on key themes which we believe present the most difficulties in implementation – including Information Requirements, Common Data Environment and Level of Information Need.
We are committing to three monthly updates to ensure we continue to make progress as fast as possible, and to reflect feedback from the start. We are also keen to receive opinion on the handbooks, tools and templates that you, as users, believe need to be developed to help – we will work to provide these in collaboration with others going forward to support the Guidance Framework.
Collaboration has been key to delivering the Guidance Framework and I can’t thank enough the many people involved for their contributions. I don’t exaggerate when I say this is one of the most richly rewarding activities I’ve been involved with – true collaboration across industry in action.
As BSI, CDBB and UK BIM Alliance, we urge the industry to get behind this Framework and discourage development of multiple ‘interpretations’ of how to implement ISO 19650. We particularly welcome the support of the Construction Industry Council (CIC) for an updated Protocol, authored by Andrew Croft, May Winfield and Simon Lewis, owned by CIC, but forming a critical part of the Guidance Framework (to be released soon). We offer our sincere thanks to the wider forums we cover.
It is incredibly heartening that so many want to lean in to help advance the industry as a whole. I do hope that this collaborative action inspires the younger generations to recognise our industry as dynamic and driven and one to come and work for. It really is richly rewarding.
• Anne Kemp OBE is a member of the Management Advisory Board for the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) and part of CDBB’s Digital Framework Task Group. Anne is also Fellow and Technical Director for Digital Engineering (DE) and BIM Strategy and Development, at Atkins. She is Chair of the UK BIM Alliance and BuildingSMART UKI