The UK BIM Framework is the overarching approach to implementing BIM in the UK, using the framework for managing information provided by the ISO 19650 series. It includes:
On the UK BIM Framework website you will find the overarching approach to implementing BIM in the UK, brought to you by BSI, CDBB and the UK BIM Alliance.
The UK BIM Framework develops standards, guidance and resources to support individuals and organisations in the UK to understand the fundamental principles of information management using building information modelling (BIM) to guide and support you in implementation. Guidance Part 1 and Guidance Parts A-F support the implementation of the overall published BS EN ISO 19650 series. Guidance Part 2 and 3 pick up on content specific to BS EN ISO 19650-2 and BS EN ISO 19650-3 respectively.
The UK BIM Framework helps individuals and organisations in the UK to better understand the migration from BIM Level 2 to the UK BIM Framework based on international standards BS EN ISO 19650. This shift towards international standards will take time for clients to adapt their information requirement and appoint documentation to align with ISO 19650, and the framework will support their journey plans. As global construction projects proliferate and UK firms are invited to collaborate, the ISO will help these teams to adopt a simplified and common approach to managing information. A unified global approach will create immediate efficiencies for clients with international supply chains.