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Centre for Digital Built Britain completed its five-year mission and closed its doors at the end of September 2022

This website remains as a legacy of the achievements of our five-year foundational journey towards a digital built Britain

This project develops probabilistic master-planning tools to support effective implementation of energy policies in UK cities. It integrates high-dimensional data that spans environmental features, physical form & land-use, socio-demographics, and economics to analyse cities spatially. Outputs from the multi-dimensional analysis will be used to test resilience of energy policies to short term shocks and future changes at district scale. These kinds of multi-dimensional and multi-physics tools will help us understand why certain energy policies are more or less successful than others, geographically, socially, and physically.  

It will also enable sustainable infrastructure planning that is aligned with UK’s carbon targets and is, at the same time, locally robust. Indeed, carbon saving measures are not uniformly beneficial to all people and buildings, and integrated analysis across diverse dimensions can help understand barriers or opportunities for their uptake. 

Presentation at CDBB Week 2019


We developed a framework that enables local authorities with shared characteristics to share decarbonisation strategies for residential heating.


Modelling, data analysis, framework development

Next Steps

The framework needs to be further developed to cover situations where data is limited. Longitudinal comparison of city energy consumption at scale under this framework would be required to verify its applicability.

Project Status

This project was completed in 2019