Capability Framework and Research Agenda
One of the questions the Department for BEIS originally asked CDBB was - “what do we need to do to build a digital built Britain”? Since then, we conducted roughly two years of work - with over 90 researchers in six research networks, four consultancy studies and a series of workshops, to engage with a wide community of participants from across the UK. These groups were asked in various ways to discuss and explore what new knowledge, skills or capabilities the UK would need in order to bring about a digital built Britain, and the summary report presented our findings. The more detailed report that underpinned the summary is also available. Please note that the longer report is an interactive PDF to aid navigation - this is best experienced by downloading the report and using Adobe (or similar), rather than using web browser.
In compiling the reports, CDBB worked with academics from across a wide range of disciplines and UK institutions to consider the capabilities and research needed to create a digital built Britain and to answer three key questions:
- Capabilities: What capabilities do we need that we don’t already have?
- New research: What research might be required to underpin these capabilities?
- Existing knowledge: What research already exists that could be useful?
The summary presented a research landscape for a digital built Britain – an overview of the portfolio of research needed to underpin digital built Britain. Together the reports set out a long term research agenda for digital built Britain. They did not define the agenda for CDBB alone - we couldn’t address all of the issues raised in the report and indeed demonstrate that essential and valuable work was being done elsewhere already, so instead, we encouraged you to think of the reports as a call to arms for the UK.
The documents below comprised the Capability Framework and Research Agenda for digital built Britain as prepared and described by the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB), participants in our various workshops and contributors to research networks and tender projects over the period 2018-2019. This project aimed to provide an overview of the types of capabilities. Together, these documents formed an evidence base from which numerous research programmes could embark.
Summary DocumentAndy Neely, Jennifer Schooling, Charles Boulton and Kirsten Lamb Start with the summary for an overview of the Capability Framework and Research Agenda. It characterises the breadth of capabilities and research needed in order to deliver a digital built Britain. |
Capability Framework and Research AgendaCharles Boulton and Kirsten Lamb Using evidence from academic and grey literature, CDBB’s research networks, tenders and workshops, the Capability Framework and Research Agenda discusses in depth the capabilities and research needed to deliver a digital built Britain. It can be read beginning to end, but it is also possible to use the tags, headings and index to dive into the detail and follow signposts to relevant bodies of literature. ++++ Please note - for best results with the interactive links in this document please Click the link, then Download the file to use in Adobe directly. ++++ |
Supporting materials
The following reports and documents were prepared by or for CDBB and were referred to throughout the Capability Framework. Depending on the level of detail readers wish to explore, many of them are worth exploring in their own right. They were provided here as evidence to underpin the main documents, but also as a resource for future researchers who may wish to read the many insights resulting from the networks, tenders and workshops conducted in the development of this project.
Centres of Competence - July 2019
Research Landscape - May 2019
Sector Perspectives Report - July 2019
Network and Consulting Reports
- Network For ONTologies And Information maNagement in digital built Britain - Final report
- Digital COMpliance Network - Digitisation of requirements, regulations and compliance checking processes in the built environment: Final report
- Pedagogy and Upskilling Network - Evolve or Die: Transforming the productivity of built environment professionals and organisations of digital built Britain through a new, digitally enabled ecosystem underpinned by the mediation between competence supply and demand
- Vision Network - Final report
- Planning Complex Infrastructure Under Uncertainty Network - Final report
- Housing Digital Built Britain Network - Final report
- Turner Harris 2019 - Future capabilities report: The creation and through-life management of built assets and infrastructure
- Cambridge Architectural Research - Defining the Research Agenda and Research Landscape for digital built Britain: Digital tools in the creation and through-life management of built assets
- Urban Innovation Labs - Making the digitally enabled services and supply chain work
- Urban Innovation Labs - Integration and optimisation of services embedded in the built environment
- Urban Innovation Labs - Level 2 Convergence - February 2018
- Urban Innovation Labs – Workpackage 1: Agile Standardisation Methods for DBB
- Urban Innovation Labs – Workpackage 2: Meta standard and Standard Landscape
- Urban Innovation Labs – Workpackage 3: Information Pathways
- Urban Innovation Labs – Workpackage 4: Comparison of COBie and IFC as information exchange structures today and in the future
- Urban Innovation Labs – Workpackage 5: Recommendations to CDBB for the continued development of standards
- Urban Innovation Labs – Workpackage 6: Design of experiment for integrating or indexing diverse or non-schema based information
Other Papers
- Example Insights from Applying a Structure and Agency Perspective to Key Interfaces in Digital Built Britain - February 2019
- Justification of Applying Structure and Agency - February 2019
- Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC) and IfM Education and Consulting Services University of Cambridge - Digital Built Britain - R&D Work Stream A study for the Future Cities Catapult - Phase 1 Report
- Research Agenda and Landscape Workshop - February 2019
- Framework Review Workshop - September 2018
- Scoping Workshops:
- Built Assets - April 2018
- Complex Integrated Systems - April 2018
- Context - April 2018
- Data - April 2018
- Information - April 2018
- Services - 2018
- Social Constructs - 2018
- Stakeholder Value - 2018
- Supply Chain - April 2018
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