Submitted by Jo Daye on Thu, 10/03/2022 - 12:08
The Gemini Papers set the Centre for Digital Built Britain’s vision for the future, showcasing the vital role that connected digital twins play in improving social, economic, and environmental outcomes, to create a better quality of life for all.
Driven by the Gemini Principles of purpose, trust and function, the papers are a series of three documents addressing the ‘What’ ‘Why’ and ‘How’ of connected digital twins.
Centre for Digital Built Britain has worked closely with industry, academia, and government to explore and create solutions for the challenges facing the built environment.
The Gemini Papers present our learnings from the past five years, capturing the consensus viewpoint of the connected digital twin community - serving as a blueprint for future leaders.
- Read the summary paper
- What are connected digital twins
- Why connected digital twins
- How to enable an ecosystem of connected digital twins
Community Support
Dan Rossiter FCIAT | Digital Built Environment Standards Lead, BSI
“In our role as the UK National Standards Body, BSI welcomes the publication of the Gemini Papers. We expect that they will support the development of consensus-driven good practice on the creation, management and use of connected digital twins.”
Dave Philp | Director - Digital Consulting, Strategy & Innovation, AECOM
" The Gemini Papers provide a vision and roadmap towards an ecosystem of digital twins which will help our built environment become more resilient and support our climate emergency."
Peter Vale | Engineering Information Manager, Tideaway
"CDBB has been a great ambassador in coordinating, supporting and realising the benefits possible from a connected digital world. They have successfully brought together government, academia, institutions, clients and the supply chain and taken them on a journey to improve the construction sector."
Miranda Sharp | Founder, Metis Digital Limited
"Congratulations to all at CDBB on the completion of your mission and the publication of the Gemini Papers. The mobilisation of an active, collaborative community from across academia, the public and private sectors has been remarkable to watch and be part of and I am sure that both new and returning members will find the papers to be an invaluable and accessible resource as they develop the theory and practice of connected digital twins."
Bola Abisogun OBE, FRICS | Founder & Chairman, DiverseCity Surveyors
“Never before have I been so enlightened and inspired to fully understand what the power of group-think can really achieve. As an elected member of the Gemini Council, I took the wider opportunity to challenge not only my peers, but the direction of travel for Phase 2 of the National Digital Twin Programme. Through the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ - the Gemini Papers - are a consolidated effort and relatively plain language opportunity for everyone across the globe to really get under the hood and consider the value creation derived from a digitally enabled, data-driven, eco-system of connected digital twins. Given the scale of the exponential climate change emergency, it’s time for all of us to be led by purpose, trust and function and to be bold in our individual and collective plans for better societal outcomes and a more sustainable built environment.”
Dr Matthew West OBE | Director, Information Junction
"The Gemini Papers provide a succinct and informative guide to connected digital twins, covering what they are, why they matter, and how to set about enabling them."