To understand the lifecycle of information across all assets and join the dots to make our current data structures work. Reviewing and developing tools with a clear emphasis on education across all levels removing the barriers which currently exist.
Emma Hooper, techinal lead (on maternity leave)
Emma is a Digital Information Specialist at Bond Bryan Digital. She is fascinated by how the science and mechanics of information can be applied to construction to get the real value from digitisation. She takes her in-depth knowledge of software and its interoperability and combines this with her understanding of industry standards and the theory behind them. She is part of the BSI B/555 committee including UK expert for ISO 16739 (IFC), an author of the ISO 19650 guidance, an ambassador for the UK BIM Alliance and part of the buildingSMART UK & Ireland committee. Recently she became one of the first people to gain professional certification in the COBie schema.
Aim: to use her experience and knowledge to make construction projects more efficient by joining up the dots between people, process and technology to enable true collaboration with an emphasis on open linked data.
Casey Rutland, technical lead
Casey is a digital advocate with a focus on real estate company transformation from a people perspective. With more than 20 years of experience as an architect working in and leading multidisciplinary teams to deliver sports stadia, city centre developments, healthcare facilities and heritage buildings, he brings a clear, concise empathy-driven communication method to the seemingly vast topic of ‘digital transformation’. As an OpenBIM champion, Casey is Vice Chair of the UK BIM Alliance and Chair of buildingSMART UK & Ireland. He sits of the B555 drafting committee and contributes to the UK BIM Framework guidance documents.
Aim: to make construction projects more efficient by joining up the dots between people, process and technology to enable true collaboration with an emphasis on open linked data.
John Ford, deputy technical lead
John has more than 15 years’ experience in information management within the design, construction, and operational sectors of the built environment and an interest in digital processes including information modelling (BIM), common file and data environments (CDEs) and supporting the development and implementation of open categorisation and exchange systems that support interoperability of data and definitions (IFC/COBie). John implemented the first known instance of COBie (Version1) on a UK project in 2008/09 when trying to standardise information exchange handover from construction to operations. He has contributed to various voluntary working groups that helped develop numerous industry information management and modelling reports, standards and guidance and has been a co-author of research papers and a book on COBie construction handover.
Nicholas Nisbet, deputy technical lead
Nicholas Nisbet FRSA is a consultant in process and information improvement in the built environment. he has been developing and applying ISO stage 2 and 3 BIM for 43 years, making contributions automated compliance checking and information management through buildingSMART, ISO, CEN and BSI standards, including IFC and COBie.