Submitted by Angela Walters on Mon, 05/03/2018 - 14:42
Gwenole Cozigou, Director, Industrial Transformation and Advanced Value Chains, DG GROW, European Commission celebrated the adoption of digital construction methods at the General Assembly of the EU BIM Task Group in Brussels on 2nd March 2018.
Adam Matthews, lead of the CDBB International Stream, chaired the EU BIM Task Group recently, at which Gwenole Cozigou gave a speech about the contribution BIM has made to EU digitalisation.
At the meeting Mr Cozigou thanked the EU BIM Task Group for helping to ensure that Building Information Modelling (BIM) is now well anchored in the Commission's policy on sustainable construction and the digitalisation of the European construction value chain. He stated the importance of construction to the EU "It is one of the master keys to unlocking the vision of smart and sustainable growth and jobs.". He also spoke highly of the essential contribution made by the EU BIM Handbook which has been developed by the EU BIM Task Group, and soon to be available in 14 languages. Looking to the future Mr Cozigou encouraged the Task Group to reflect on an autonomous but relevant way forward to continue adding its value to the European construction sector.