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Centre for Digital Built Britain completed its five-year mission and closed its doors at the end of September 2022

This website remains as a legacy of the achievements of our five-year foundational journey towards a digital built Britain


In 2016 the UK Government mandated the use of Building Information Modelling (‘BIM’) Level 2 on all centrally procured public construction projects. After three years of mandatory BIM adoption, senior figures across the construction industry and in government have called for greater clarity on 1) the benefits of BIM as it is currently used, and 2) the next phase of the digital transformation of asset management (i.e. extending the current uses of BIM) and the associated benefits.

In response, the Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) commissioned PwC to develop two methodology documents to outline an approach to provide clarity in the two respective areas introduced above. It is intended that in a subsequent phase of work, these methodologies will be applied to case study projects to collate the necessary evidence, and report on any benefits, in order to provide the clarity that industry and government have called for.

This report called ‘2020 PwC BIM Measurement Methodology for Asset Management’ (2020 PwC BMM for AM) provides the methodology for the second item introduced above, i.e. to define the next phase of the digital transformation of asset management and to assess the associated benefits. This document builds on the ‘2018 PwC BIM Measurement Methodology’ (2018 PwC BMM) and the related documents4 for measuring the benefits of BIM Level 2, commissioned by Innovate UK. The ‘2018 PwC BMM’ work is publicly available on the CDBB website.

This document extends the methodology in ‘2018 PwC BMM’ and refers to the ‘2020 PwC BMM’6 titled ‘Assessment of the value of BIM, Part 1 – Context and methodology’, which is also publicly available on the CDBB website. Together, these two methodology documents inform this ‘2020 PwC BMM for AM’ document.

To read the full report click here.